From coast to coast
We want to be a catalyst for church multiplication across Canada from coast-to-coast. Beginning in the Greater Toronto Area, our goal is to establish clusters of new churches radiating into other communities throughout southern Ontario and beyond.
We are forging partnerships with churches and other church planting associations to encourage greater participation and momentum for a dynamic movement of new churches. Our goals for Canada are dependent on establishing significant partnerships with individuals, organizations and visionary churches.
Why Plant Churches in Canada?
The need to plant churches in Canada is great. As a percentage of evangelical churches to the population, Canada is one of the most unchurched countries in the world!
In Canada, there are close to 24 million people who do not have a personal relationship with Christ!
Nearly 82% of all Canadians have no meaningful church relationship!
According to Outreach Canada demographic research, only 18% of Canadians attend church regularly. In urban centers like Toronto, only 5% of the population can be categorized as consistent church attendees!
No single city or province in Canada has a greater percentage of churched people today than a decade ago.
Among existing churches in Canada, 80% are characterized as plateaued, declining, or disintegrating.
To have one evangelical church for every 1,000 people, in Ontario alone 8,594 new churches would need to be planted!
Evangelical churches have failed to gain an additional 2% of the Canadian population in the past 50 years. In other words, we are not even reaching our own children!
Evangelical planting (1.6% annually) falls behind population growth (1.9% annually).
North America is the ONLY continent where Christianity is not growing!
230,000 new Canadians have immigrated annually during the last decade. The majority are Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist or Confucian – the “mission field” is here.
Canadians dying without Christ: 165,000 souls each year.
The day for pioneering is not over. It’s time for a new generation to set the pace and blaze the trail!